Monday, October 21, 2013

A Tribute To Randy

One of the things that I have been keenly aware of throughout my life is the way God has richly blessed me by the people He has placed in my path.  As a matter of fact, most of God’s blessings throughout my life have come with a person attached; someone who has allowed themselves to be used by God to enrich and strengthen my life.  My wife, my family, dear friends, teachers, coaches, co-workers, and even my critics have all been instrumental in shaping my life in so many positive ways.  I love the way God will often put just the right person, in just the right place, at just the right time to be a conduit of His great love and support.  It was Solomon who wrote, “as iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.”  (Prov. 27:17)

This week, as we have celebrated the 30th Anniversary of Randy Sorrow as our Associate Pastor here at Old Fort, I have reflected on the many ways he has been a blessing to all of us and especially to me personally.  I remember when I arrived here as pastor some eighteen years ago, Randy was already a twelve year veteran of our church.  I found myself going to him daily for information and advice about the way things are done and to get his insight on the many connections that were already established in the various ministries of the church.  Randy was always very patient with me and would give honest answers that would often end with the remark, “good luck with that one.”    

I learned quickly that positive change does not take luck.  It takes a vision from the Holy Spirit; the courage to move forward with that vision; and good people to back you up.  Randy was certainly one of those good people that God placed in my path to assist in the many things that He had in store for us here at Old Fort.  Over the years I realized that Randy truly loves the Lord and has a great desire to serve God with his whole life. He has consistently proven himself as a friend that can be trusted and a fellow laborer that can get the job done.  I thank God for him as both a friend and a partner in the ministry.

Thirty years of ministry in one place is a testimony of faithfulness in and of itself.  Think for a moment of all the many lives that have been touched in both large and small ways.  Only heaven can record the results of a ministry like this.  Thank you Randy.  We are all so very grateful for you and proud of the good work you do. 

Philippians 1:3-5

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