Thursday, February 27, 2014

Thank You

“Jesus asked,  Were not all ten cleansed?  Where are the other nine?”               Luke 17:17

I don’t know about you, but it seems to me that in this age of communication and technology, we are losing our good manners.  Please and thank you have been replaced by #this and #that.    Our communication has gotten so impersonal that we tend to forget just how good it feels when someone takes the time to look us in the eye and tell us that they appreciate even the simplest acts of support or encouragement.  Also, I tend to forget how good a feeling I get when I take the time to tell others that I appreciate them.  Obviously, after Jesus healed ten lepers, he noticed that only one took the time and effort to seek him out and thank him for the blessing.  I can’t help but think that Jesus was hurt a bit by the other nine who went on with their lives without taking a few minutes to thank the one who had blessed them so much.

It’s really not that hard.  When you need someone to assist you in some way; say “please.”  By saying please, you show humility and appreciation even before any act is offered.  When someone does something for you that takes them out of their way or costs them even the smallest of effort, say “thank you.”  By doing so, you show an awareness and an appreciation of their effort and show them that their gift, support or act of kindness was a blessing to you. 

Let me make a suggestion.  Think of someone from your past who has been a blessing in your life (a coach, a teacher, a friend, a relative) and try to get in touch with them.  Start with this, “I just wanted to call to say thank you for the impact you have had on my life.”  I’m guessing the rest of the conversation will be a blessing to you both. 

Thanks for reading.

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