Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The Right Piece

Every Tuesday morning at 6:30 I teach a men’s Bible study.  This semester we are studying the book of Exodus and the life of Moses.  Today we talked about all the excuses that Moses gave to God about why he was not the right man for the job of going into Egypt as the deliverer of God’s people.  Five times Moses objected and offered some flimsy excuse until he finally begged “O Lord, please send someone else to do it.”  (Ex. 4:13)  Each time, God patiently and directly dealt with Moses’ excuses.  God promised His abiding presence, His power, His wisdom and even assured Moses that “I will help you in speech and teach you what to say.”  (Ex. 4:12)  Still Moses begged to be relieved from this responsibility.

The issue was not settled in Moses’ heart until God put in place the piece of the puzzle that brought it all into focus and encouraged Moses to move forward in God’s plan.    That important piece was Aaron; a partner to walk with Moses through the rest of his journey.  “What about your brother Aaron?”  (Ex. 4:14-17)  From this point forward, Moses and Aaron were inseparable.  Throughout the exodus, Aaron was much more than just a brother to Moses.  He became his advisor, accountability partner, encourager, critic, prayer partner and mostly, his friend.  As long as Moses thought he was going at it alone, he made excuse after excuse and begged God to let him pass.  Once he learned that Aaron was going with him, he was encouraged and willing to move forward with great obedience.

It dawned on me this morning that most often God’s support comes in the form of flesh and blood.  Like with Moses, He promises to be with us, empower us, guide us and go with us through all of the challenges of life.  However, He also knows that sometimes we need to experience those promises through the support of real people.  As I look back over my life and ministry, I can testify to the many times God has helped to make sense of my confusing circumstances by placing the right piece in the right place at the right time so that the picture of God’s support comes clear.  Often times that piece is an Aaron; a real person, sent by God to trump all my excuses and encourage me to move forward for His glory. 

My challenge to you today is twofold.  First, find your Aaron.  God has placed people in your life to support you through the many challenges you face.  They don’t mind if you lean on them.  God put them there for that purpose.  Second, be an Aaron.  Someone you know is struggling to be or do what God has for them.  They need you and all the loving support and encouragement you can give.  Don’t hold back.  Together, and with God’s help, all things are possible.

Thanks for reading.


  1. Forgive the length but this goes along with something I just read. Bonhoeffer writing to a close friend; "that the two of us could be connected by work and friendship is a rather extraordinary joy for a human life. To have a person who understands one both objectively and personally, and who one experiences in both respects as a faithful helper and advisor- that is truly a great deal... in countless questions you have decisively helped me by your greater clarity and simplicity of thought and judgement, and I know from experience that your prayer for me is a real power." --DM

  2. Thank you for standing up on these difficult and sometimes hard to understand subjects. Facing difficult times and major decisions is never easy, To seek guidance from God always is good and helpful, but waiting for a clear answer is hard. when someone shows up it appears out of nowhere, with good helpful ideas, or things happen to make the decision for you, I believe that can be God's way of guiding. It is a wonderful thing when someone gets what someone is going through, and offers to be there no matter what. I am no writer, just had some thoughts. thanks again.

    Thanks for writing about topics that are difficult to understand and deal with often. as Christians in this crazy world, decisions are so hard to make, the future is affected by our choices. Praying for clear direction, caring people can be so helpful. thanks for the reminder that we must let them help as needed , and also be concerned and available to others in need. It is easy to say I care, but takes some effort to show it. From a reader not a writer...



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