Monday, May 6, 2013

What In The World Is Going On?

A couple of things happened in the world of sports last week that has me scratching my head and asking “what in the world is going on?”  You may have seen that the men’s relay team of Columbus High School near Fort Worth Texas was disqualified after winning the relay because the young man who crossed the finish line pointed one finger heavenward in order to identify the source of his strength.  This “Christian” gesture was deemed by the officials as taunting and the team was disqualified. 

Also this week, NBA player Jason Collins has been heralded by the media as a bonified hero after coming out of the closet and admitting that he is a homosexual.  Collins has received an outpouring of support from almost every walk of society including a personal phone call from the President congratulating him for his courage.  When ESPN commentator, Chris Broussard, commented that as a Christian he believed homosexuality to be a sin and one that could be forgiven, the industry tried to force him into an apology. Broussard refused.

Unfortunately, these are not two isolated events.  It seems as though our culture is very confused when it comes to responding to spiritual and moral issues.  Openly disclosing your spiritual orientation is considered taboo, while openly disclosing your sexual orientation is heroic.  Again I ask, “what in the world is going on?”

Please join me in this venue of social media as we seek to discover some solid ground on many of the issues that are plaguing our culture today.  A Biblical/Christian worldview is not restrictive or confining; but rather will free us to live out our faith boldly in a world where truth and righteousness has been overruled by popular opinion.   Let’s hold each other accountable to seek God’s truth as it applies to the many confusing headlines of our day.  Thanks for reading.

Oh.  As far as the two stories mentioned in this article:  Ephesians 6:10-12 tells us that Satan has a definite strategy for disrupting God’s plan.  It also tells us that our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the “spiritual forces of evil.”  And in 2 Peter 3:3 we are told that in the last days, men will scoff at God’s truth.  While I am disheartened by these headlines, I am not surprised by them.  We’ve been warned. 

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