Monday, June 24, 2013

Back To Africa

This will be my last post for a few weeks because I am leaving for Tanzania on Sunday for another short-term mission trip.  Several years ago OFBC established a partnership with Southern Baptist Missionaries, Dan and Pam Johnson, to reach out to the Maasai tribe of east Africa. This will be my forth trip into the pori (bush country) of Tanzania and I am very sure that my next post will be a testimony of God’s faithful guidance and intervention for this team and our work.  Please pray daily for us as we seek to share Jesus Christ with the children of the Maasai tribes.

That's me and Mikaeli (our Maasai interpreter)

While I truly love the mission work that takes place on these short-term trips, I also greatly enjoy the interactions with all the other team members as we travel and serve together.  Some of my sweetest memories in the ministry are of nights sitting around camp in Tanzania or Peru or China or Ecuador listening to stories and making new friends. Away from the hustle and bustle of life in the states, relationships are forged that often last a lifetime.   I have also been privileged to enjoy these trips with Patti (who will be with me this trip) and each of my three boys (some great bonding time).

So if you think you would like to go on a short-term mission trip one day…do it!  You will find that the cost is minimal compared to the many spiritual and emotional benefits. 

1 comment:

  1. It IS a privilege to be able to go on a mission trip. I don't know about everybody else but most of the time I am so busy that I allow everyday life to get in the way of allowing myself to see God at work, but on a misson trip... there is nothing like it. Words can not explain. Meeting new people, seeing new beautiful places and talking about JESUS. Standing back and watching God use you, use your hands, use your feet, use your voice, use the way you look, use the car your driving even. It is He who does the work you just get to sit back and enjoy. It is more then amazing.



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