Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Team Tanzania

If I were to ever write a book on the many exciting experiences I have had on short-term mission trips, this trip to Tanzania would certainly merit a chapter or two.  What a joy it was to see the faces of the Maasai children as they listened intently to the Bible stories; to hear their laughter as they played together with our team and especially to hear their singing as they blessed us every day with songs of their culture.   It was also a special blessing to me to be able to spend several hours each day with the local Maasai pastors.  Their love for the Lord and their intensity with which they served was an inspiration to me.  I was humbled as I sat in the presence of these men who had literally forsaken everything to follow Jesus Christ.

And what a great team!  I must admit that I had a little anxiety at first when we decided to take students half way around the world to minister in such a primitive setting.  However, as the week progressed, we were all blown away by the way these students responded to the opportunities that God placed before us.  Everything we asked of them was done with a sweet spirit and positive attitude.  It was a joy to watch God at work in each of their lives.  So to Miles, Ethan, Austin, Savannah, Megan and Alexander, I want to say thank you for giving of yourselves and becoming such a blessing to so many.  To Patti, Jon and Harry  I would like to say thanks for helping to make all of this possible by giving of yourselves to help chaperone this trip.   And to Dan and Pam Johnson, another great job in planning and supporting our mission.

Mostly though, I would say to God be the glory for He has done great things.  The hand of God was evident in literally every aspect of our trip from beginning to end.  Any and all results are for His glory. 

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