Monday, June 10, 2013

Hold Steady

One of the greatest challenges of being a pastor is offering sound spiritual advice related to any and all circumstances of the human experience.  While it is a privilege to be invited into so many lives and trusted to give good counsel, I feel very humbled and at times inadequate as I try to offer words that support and encourage through some of life’s most difficult times.  Obviously, I have learned to depend on the leadership of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God to guide me in these conversations.  It is certainly a great joy when I am able to see the hand of God at work in the lives of those with whom I have the privilege to minister.

Similarly, I have often been the recipient of sound Godly advice.  I have been privileged to have a Godly dad and mom who have been instrumental in shaping my life throughout the formative years.  I was blessed to be able to sit under some of the most intelligent and spiritual men and women throughout my seminary experience and glean from them many life lessons that stay with me today.  I have benefited from relationships with other pastors and key community leaders who have poured their counsel into my life throughout some of my most difficult challenges.  However, I have noticed that some of life’s best counsel often comes from the simple encouragement of a trusted friend.

Like, for example, the words “hold steady.”  As in, “It going to be okay Eric; God is in control.  Just hold steady.”  Great advice!  In these two simple words, God affirmed His presence in my life and reminded me that every storm will pass and every challenge can be overcome.  It is also a reminder that not every crisis calls for a change of course or a struggle for what is right.  (Neither fight nor flight.)  Some storms only need to be waited out until God has had ample time to work.  It is during these times that our task is simple:  Hold steady.   Give it a try.

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”      Galatians 6:9


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Speaking from the other side as someone who may feel compelled to seek spiritual advice from someone who's job it is to give it; I tend to do this when I am avoiding the patience it takes to hear from God or I forget about Him being here. I love to hear from God through others, but something about hearing from Him directly makes my faith stronger.
    John 16:13
    Yay for my 1st Pastor Eric blog comment!!!



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