Monday, August 12, 2013

A Tribute To Ann

You’ve probably heard by now that Ann, Matthew and McKenzie Quinn are leaving our staff and church to go back to their home state of Kentucky.  I’ve always thought that the hardest part of seeing a staff member leave a church was not the losing of a worker, but rather the fact that our family is being separated.  Now I know, of course, that they are still a vital part of our family even though they will be living in a different place.  I also know that we will continue to keep up with them regularly via social media and telecommunications.  I also know that one day we will be eternally united with them in that great homecoming of all God’s children.  However, I am still going to miss them. We all are. 


We will miss them because over the past twelve years they have become our family.  We have walked with them through many great victories; the birth of Matthew, the adoption of McKenzie, the growth of our Children’s Ministry, the establishment of  several new ministries like Hearts of Hope adoption ministry.  And we have walked with them through some dark valleys like the sickness and death of George Quinn; truly a man after God’s heart.  Through all of this, Ann and the kids have welcomed us all into their lives and in doing so have allowed the bond of love to grow ever so strong.  So while we are happy that God is doing a good work in their lives, we grieve our loss.  As a staff member, Ann can be replaced. As a sister in Christ, she cannot. 


Thank you so much Ann for all that you have given to all of us.   Only heaven can record the results of your twelve years of tireless ministry.  As you leave us, go with the assurance of knowing that we love you dearly, appreciate all that you have done, and will continue to support you through our prayerful concern as you will always be a vital part of our family here at OFBC.  We love you all. 

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