Monday, September 9, 2013


In the words of one very famous leader, Hannibal Smith (The A team);
                                          “I love it when a plan comes together.” 

I wish I could adequately express to you just how clearly I saw the hand of God at work in His church yesterday.  I knew in my heart that God was leading Jason Taylor here to be our next Music Pastor. However I was just a bit concerned about giving our church the opportunity to cast a secret ballet vote about an issue that has divided so many churches in the past; music.  I also knew that it has only been a few years since we made our transition from multiple styles to only one service presented twice.   I thought about the fact that this vote would send a message to Jason about whether or not we were unified as a church and ready to move forward with new leadership.  Finally, I remembered the struggle of the past eight months and the hurt that we had experienced as a family back in December and wonder if healing had truly occurred.  I prayed that God would speak clearly.

The service began with the choir singing “Our God is Awesome” and ended with Him proving just that.   Our God is indeed awesome!  The energy in the room was electrifying and the Holy Spirit was present and as recognizable as the rest of us.  At the end of the day, the family God stood together in unity and agreed to put the past behind us and to move forward for the glory of God.  More than 98% of those who voted stepped forward and said “YES”.  In today’s spiritual environment where churches can seldom come together about anything, especially music, I saw God’s hand at work; clearly and decisively. 

When the body of Christ is unified, God is able to release His power and do the awesome things He so loves to do.  I can’t wait to see this fresh outpouring of His Holy Spirit on this place.  If you need a more “spiritual” quote than Hannibal Smith, consider these words from King David.

“How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!  It is like precious oil poured on the head.  For there the Lord bestows his blessing, even life for evermore.”                                                                                                                         Psalm 133:1&3

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