Monday, September 16, 2013

Homecoming 2013

This is Homecoming week here at Old Fort Baptist Church.  This morning we had our “Charter Member Breakfast” and enjoyed spending some time with some very special people who have devoted a great deal of time and energy establishing and maintaining the work of ministry here at Old Fort.  From our humble beginning in 1966 as a mission of Summerville Baptist to our current status as one of the larger congregations in this community, God has richly blessed us all along the way.  As I sat at breakfast this morning, I was reminded of my own early connection with Old Fort as well as the vital place this church family has held in my life over these past eighteen years.

It was on a cold night in late February, 1995 that I first received a call from Jim Roberts who introduced himself as the chairperson of the Pastor Search Committee of Old Fort Baptist Church in Summerville, SC.  Jim informed me that they had been given my information and asked if I would allow myself to be considered as a candidate for the position if the Lord so led.  That night, Patti and I sat up and talked and prayed until the early morning hours.  We felt a great sense of peace from the very beginning, believing that God was at work throughout the process and content to follow His lead where ever we ended up.  On July 1 of that year, I began as pastor and we have seen the mighty hand of God throughout our life and work here over these past eighteen years.

Joining OFBC in 1995

I also thought this morning about the great blessing that Old Fort has been to me and my family over the years.  I cannot think of anything I would rather do with my life than to spend it as a servant of the Lord with such a loving and supportive family of faith.  We have been through so much together (both good and bad) that our hearts have been bonded and our love for one another has grown strong.  We are indeed a family.  Someone asked me recently if it took a lot of courage to preach the truth from the pulpit.  I responded “it’s a lot easier to be courageous when you are surrounded by the people you love.”  The Bible says that “perfect love drives out fear.” (1 John 4:18)  Being in a loving, supportive church gives all of us the courage we need to stand firm in our faith regardless of the giants we face. 

I thank God for Old Fort Baptist Church and the family that Patti and I have found here. I thank God for the freedom I have been given to preach and lead according to my God given convictions.  I thank God for the love and support we have received as we have brought up our three boys here in this nurturing environment.   In short, I thank God for His church.

If you not a member of a local, Bible believing, God honoring church, I challenge you to take a moment and think about all that you are missing.  God gave us the church for some very important reasons.  Get connected.  Get involved.

Happy Birthday Old Fort.  To God be the glory.

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