Monday, September 30, 2013


“If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself, take up his cross and follow me.”
                                                                      Jesus Christ      Matthew 16:24

I think most Christians today would consider themselves to be followers of Jesus Christ; especially if the concept of “follow” is in the general sense as in “I follow the Tigers, the Gamecocks, the Republican Party”, etc.  For these people, Christianity is about following a philosophy of life that promises God’s bountiful blessings on earth and a blissful eternity in heaven.  They believe that these “payoffs” are made possible when they do their best to adhere to certain Christian teachings and associate with the Christian community known as the church.  This “association” with Jesus Christ and his church in the general sense seems to be all that some people ever desire or obtain; believing that ultimately they will be saved by a Jesus whom they have never really met or in any way followed.

However, as we read the Gospels, it is exceedingly clear that Jesus did not come into this world as a teaching or a philosophy.  He came into the world as a man: the God-man.  John wrote, “the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.”  We are not called to follow a set of ideals, practices, traditions, customs, or religions; no matter how good they may be.  We are called to follow the man, Jesus.  To be a true follower of Jesus we must deny ourselves as He denied Himself.  We must take up a cross as He took up His cross.  We must go where He went, do what He did, say what He said, live like He lived.  The path that Jesus took from this world to the glory of heaven was a path marked with sacrifice and self-denial; all for the glory of God the Father and the building of His Kingdom on earth. When Jesus said “come and follow me,” it was not an invitation to join a friendly local church, to be a morally good person or even to carry the title of “Christian.”  Rather, it is an invitation to die to self so that we can live for the glory of God; which is exactly what he did.  (Phil. 2:5-8)

Author Mark Batterson has said that “many people think they are following Jesus but the truth is they have invited Jesus to follow them.”  I hope you have not made that mistake.  We are not called to live a perfect, sinless life.  We are not called to be good church members or morally good citizens.  We are called to follow Jesus.  Only in following Him can we find our way to everlasting, abundant life.


  1. I love reading your blogs and hearing your sermons each Sunday. I am blessed and grow in spirit and mind by your words. God bless you also.

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