Monday, November 25, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

“Give thanks to the Lord for he is good; His love endures forever.”
These words of thanksgiving begin and end the 118th Psalm.  Between them are twenty seven verses that carefully and systematically describe the many blessings that God has provided for His people.  God’s faithfulness in providing for his people Israel in the Old Testament was nothing short of …Biblical proportion.  The psalmist was careful to identify the many ways in which God had blessed His people.  However, he was just as careful to direct his thanksgiving, not for the goodness of the things God had done, but rather for the goodness of God Himself.  “Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good.”

It is so easy, as we consider our many Thanksgiving blessings, to forget to give thanks for the God who gives them.  Of course, as Christians, we know that our thanksgiving is directed to God, but how often do we recognize and confess just how thankful we are for our God.  Truly, our God is an awesome God!  He is our heavenly Father who loves us perfectly and provides for our needs with a faithfulness that is unmatched.  His love endures forever.

Read Psalm 118 this week and reflect on all that God has done for you.  Then take a few moments to count your many blessings but be sure that God Almighty (The Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit) is at the top of that list.  Happy Thanksgiving.  Thanks for reading

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