Monday, November 18, 2013

The Search For Significance

“Now a man crippled from birth was being carried to the temple gate called Beautiful, where he was put every day to beg from those going into the temple courts.”  Acts 3:2

It could be argued that this man was most likely the greatest beggar of first century Jerusalem.  Over the years, he had worked his way up the begging ladder until finally reaching its pinnacle, sitting every day by the Temple gate called Beautiful.  Sitting by this gate every day provided him the best perch from which to beg, anywhere in Jerusalem.

It was a beautiful place.  Imagine his delight every day as he sat beside the gate that was so magnificent in its structure and design that the only word that satisfied it was “beautiful.”  This gate called Beautiful was hammered out of Corinthian bronze and it is said to have been designed in such a way as to reflect all the many colors of the rainbow as the sun moved over it.  Of course, the temple itself was a work of art and architecture, so to have a part of it known as beautiful reflects the fact that this place was one of the most revered pieces of real estate in all of Jerusalem.  He sat there every day.

It was a bountiful place.  Every good Jew knew that God had commanded them to give generously to support the poor.  (See Deuteronomy 15:11)  Can you think of a better time to fulfill this requirement than a few minutes before entering the Temple to worship?  Sitting outside the Temple of God begging for financial support would have been a rather lucrative opportunity.  There is nothing in this passage to indicate that he was poor.  It is a known fact that some beggars actually did quite well in raising funds for the family.  Because he was lame since birth, his only option was to be a beggar.  It is obvious from the text that he had found a way to make the best of his plight.  It was a beautiful and bountiful place to beg.

Now watch this.  Peter responded with “silver or gold I do not have, but what I have I give to you.  In the name of Jesus Christ…walk.”  (Acts 2:6)  Peter realized that the world’s provisions were only temporary support.  He knew that the man needed more than what the world could offer.  That no matter how beautiful and bountiful his life of begging had become, he was still in need of so much more.  Peter introduced him to Jesus Christ and in Jesus this man found the power to move past his ordinary pursuits as a beggar.  His life was changed forever.

Sitting here at my office desk looking out at Dorchester Road and the many cars that rush by, I realize that there are multitudes of people in the world who are empty, broken, lame and spiritually blind; radically searching for a better perch from which to beg.  Their empty hearts are constantly crying out for something or someone that will fill the void and give them the fulfillment and satisfaction they so eagerly desire.  They spend their days frantically climbing the social ladder in order to find a more beautiful or bountiful place from which to beg for significance. 

Maybe you are one of those sitting by the gate called Beautiful.  You have done well for yourself according to the world’s standards but deep down inside you know that there is still something very broken about you.  Let me remind you that Jesus said “I have come that you may have life and have it with abundance.”  (John  10:10)  I believe that what you are searching for cannot be found in this world except through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

 “In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth…walk.” 

Thanks for reading.

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