Monday, November 11, 2013

Moving Stones

Several months ago I started a new spiritual quest where I ask God each morning to let me do something that day that truly matters.  You know what I mean, something that makes a difference.  I want to touch people’s lives in a way that reflects the love and mercies of God.  I realized that too often, my days flew by doing those things that were important, but not always significant.  I would often lie in bed after a long day of exhausting activity and wonder if, in fact, I had done anything that truly made a difference.  Over the past several months, I have tried to look at my days through the eyes of the Holy Spirit.  He is definitely teaching me some things about life. 

One of the lessons I have learned is that while God is still in the business of moving mountains, He often does so one stone at a time.  In other words, God is just as concerned about the little things as He is the big ones.  Jesus put it this way, “when you have done it to the least of these, you have done it unto me.”  (Matthew 25)  Making a difference does not always include moving a mountain or changing a life.  It most often includes a simple act of kindness that touches another in a deep but simple way; the simple things that sometimes go unnoticed by the world, but are appreciated by those who are on the receiving end of a kind word or gesture.  More often than not, when I have ended my day by reflecting on whether or not I had done something that mattered, God revealed to me the stones that were moved rather than the mountains.

Like yesterday, for instance.  I crawled into bed exhausted from a typically busy Sunday.  I thought about the sermon I had preached in the two services to a total of about one thousand people. (Admittedly it was not that great a sermon.)  I thought about the quiet lunch I had with Patti and the meeting with the Tanzania Mission Team.  I remembered the evening service and the concert by the Lighthouse Singers which I had enjoyed very much.  And then the haunting question:  Did anything truly make a difference? 

In answering that question, the Holy Spirit took me directly to where I had chosen to sit during the concert last night.  You see, when I walked into the sanctuary, my attention was immediately directed to one of our senior ladies who was sitting alone.  I thought about the fact that she had lost her husband and her son recently and was now living alone; fighting the giant of loneliness.  I sat down and began talking with her and ended up sitting there with her for the entire service.   That’s all, just sitting and chatting with a dear friend who has been a faithful supporter of mine for many years.  The Spirit spoke directly to my heart.  God is at work removing the mountain of loneliness from her life and I was able to assist with one little stone.  I thanked God for the opportunity He gave me in assisting in this good work.  When enough stones get moved, the mountain will be gone.  I realized that I had been used of God to do something that truly mattered.  I slept soundly and woke up this morning with a renewed interest in making a difference, especially to the “least of these.”

Try it.  I dare you.  Ask God every morning to allow you the opportunity to do something that truly matters to Him and His Kingdom work.  If enough of us become intentional about moving stones, then we will certainly see a lot more mountains removed for the glory of God.  We might also start sleeping a little better.  Thanks for reading.


1 comment:

  1. Awwwww...reaffirming ONCE AGAIN a prodding I have felt from the Holy Spirit. You speak to my heart! I will go move some mountains one stone at a time with God's help!



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