Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Sunday Is Coming!

Easter has always been one of my favorite holidays because nothing speaks more clearly about the hope we have in Jesus Christ than His own death, burial and resurrection. So much has been said about the cross of Christ and rightfully so.  It was at the cross our lost souls were atoned for by his substitutionary death.  It was at the cross where the blood that flowed from His veins provided forgiveness and cleansing from our sins.  It is only by His death on the cross that we are able to enjoy life that is everlasting and abundant.  Clearly, more was being accomplished at the cross than we could ever fully comprehend or explain.  But the cross did not end the Christ event.  The resurrection has its own reasons to rejoice.  Namely, it serves as the single most vivid reminder that no matter how dark or difficult life may become, God is in control and there is always reason to hope.  Sunday is coming!

Friday was a dark day filled with physical, emotional and spiritual agony.  As Jesus hanged there on that cross the suffering was so severe that he cried out “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me.”  We have all experienced similar days as that dark Friday.  We have all walked through seasons of Fridays wondering whether or not we could make it through.  We have all cried out those same words asking whether or not our Heavenly Father had turned His back on us.  Pain and suffering is a common denominator of all people on earth.  Eventually, we will all experience a Friday.  But Sunday is coming!

Saturday was a day of silence.  Did you realize that none of the four Gospels record a single word from anyone spoken on that particular Saturday?  Not a word from the disciples.  Not a word from the religious leaders.  Not a word from God.  No angels.,.. nothing.  Just silence.  Now it was the Sabbath so people would have been going about their religious ceremony; but not a word that was significant to the Christ event was uttered or recorded.  Strange?  The single most significant event in all of history was underway and for an entire day, all the people could do was wait.  The women were waiting to provide a proper burial.  The disciples were waiting for further instructions or some new revelation.  The whole world was waiting to see what was to follow but all they received from heaven was silence.  Not a single word.  That was Saturday but Sunday is coming!

Then came Sunday!  The suffering and the silence ended forever when God spoke, Jesus arose, the heavens rejoiced and the whole world was offered what it had been longing for since Adam and Eve broke fellowship with God in the garden; hope.  Hope for new life.  Hope for a resolution to our suffering and a new song to break the silence.  Hope for eternal and abundant life through the one who led the way through the doorway of death and into a victorious new life. The resurrection of Jesus Christ stands as a constant testimony to the fact that we can always put our hope and trust in God because Sunday is coming.

So, to those of you who are going through a particularly difficult Friday of suffering and pain or for those who are in the middle of a long Saturday of silence, not hearing a word from God in quite some time; I have a great word of hope for you.  Sunday is coming!  Halleluiah!

Thanks for reading.

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