Monday, May 20, 2013

What's In A Nickname?

Did Jesus have favorites?  Most of us don’t like to think of our Lord as having favorites, but the gospels seem to indicate that He did.  We know for certain that Peter, James and John were part of an “inner circle” of disciples that were constantly at Jesus’ side throughout His earthly ministry.  We are also told that even within this small group, John had become known as the “disciple that Jesus loved.”  (John 21:20)  John’s relationship with Jesus had clearly moved past that of disciple/teacher and had become one of intimacy like a brother or dear personal friend.  He even had a nickname of “John the Beloved.”  We see this relationship culminating at the cross where Jesus turned over the responsibility of caring for his mother to his close personal friend, John.

My theory is that Jesus was able to love all people the same and so He did not show favoritism to anyone.  However, some were able to love Jesus more than others, giving the impression that there was a closer connection.  John was one of those people.  He was obviously a man who had great compassion and a huge capacity to love.  Read his epistle of First John and note the number of times he talks about love.  I particular like the way he refers to his readers; vacillating between “my little children”, “brothers”, and “friends.”   

I see these simple terms of endearment as a great model for relating together as the local church.  Sometimes we reach out to others as though they were our little children.  This is the love we share when someone is new to the faith and needs to be nourished, or when someone is hurting or broken and needs to be supported and helped.  Other times we are to see our church family as brothers and sisters; striving together as equals who share a common cause and who hold each other accountable to accomplish the goals set forth by the Lord of the church.  And then there are those we see as friends; enjoying life together, cheering each other on as we enjoy the abundant life that Christ gives. 

So, I think it is safe to say that John, the Beloved is a leading authority on love.  His capacity to love Jesus and God’s people is legendary.  Spend some time this week reading his epistle.  As you do, think about the people that God has placed in your path, especially those within the family of faith.  What nickname would you be given by them?  Honestly, I’ve been called a lot of things by my fellow church members over the years, but I would think it pretty cool to be dubbed “Eric the Beloved.”  Wouldn’t you ???

“There is no fear in love, because perfect love drives out fear.”    1 John 4:18

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